The Dry started playing shows in Dunedin around 2003, with Matthew Thompson, Jude Yeoman, and Lydia Robb. Lydia moved to Hamilton, and was replaced with Andrew Robinson. Jude moved to Gore,and was replaced with Patrick Copeland, who played with Matthew a few years earlier in a band called Suction. The Dry played many local shows with this line-up, and recorded an album. Andrew moved to japan. Recently, The Dry have been practicing with new members:

Matthew - guitar
Patrick - bass
Jeremy - drums
Mike (tapes) - tape deck
Greg - guitar

we will be playing live when the time is right.
+album review (from nz musician) “This Dunedin experimental rock outfit name Radiohead and HDU amongst their influences – and it shows through strongly in their debut. That’s not to say that their music is derivative in any way; each song on the album shows a clear ability to craft original sound-scapes that illustrate the band’s songwriting skills. The Dry bring a minimalist approach to their music, even extending it to the album packaging, and it does take a while to appreciate the hidden complexity and richness in the music. This often laudable feature can equally work against them, as some songs require careful concentration on the details. Otherwise they can easily become background music before the listener is brought back with one of the many explosive, multi-layered crescendos. From the album, it’s easy to see that the band would be in their element live, allowed to extend their songs into evocative jam sessions, without the time and monetary constraints of a studio-produced album. All in all though, it’s a very good album, one that definitely bears up to, and benefits from, repeated listening.”
The Dry - He Traveled to the Stars
release using mostly acoustic guitar, and voice.
download it from:

Matthew's solo release - Conditions:
electronic / soundscape work using samples taken from a lofi recording of a highschool music assignment
download it from:
alternative download

The Dry - Building on the Construct:
our debut cd (Building on the Construct) can be bought from these places